Product Details
Includes: Inlet Protector Rubber Wattles & RMU's
The RMU is placed at edges and center of desired inlet containment.
Can be used in series.
Mods Available: RMU Size & Wattle Length
Includes: 24"x36" Rubber Mat with Lip Protecting Inlet Throat
Mat is placed over grate, lip is placed in throat of inlet, can be secured with zip ties or velcro if necessary
Mods Available: Delinator Post Hole/Solid
Includes: Krush Rubber Wattles & RMU's
Just like the Inlet Protector System for combination inlet setups, but using a PVC Mesh coated geotextile.
Includes: Recycled Rubber Sock & RMU's
The RMU notch is placed over the wattle and wedged into the inlet throat.
Mods Available: Permeable/non-permeable RMUs
Includes: Mono Rubber Wattles & RMU's
Just like the Wattle Systems for combination inlet setups using a monofiliment geotextile.
Includes: RMU
The RMU is wedged into the inlet throat or placed outside the inlet frame to ensure complete coverage. To be used in place of CMUs
Mods Available: Permeable/non-permeable; Taper/Square